Welcome to What Cordoba, your in-depth, up-to-date Cordoba city guide. We pride ourselves on offering original, accurate content with Cordoba info you won't find anywhere else. Check out these six easy-to-navigate sections to find out what's up in Cordoba, Spain...
Magnificent mosques, one-of-a-kind buildings and gardens. Find out why Cordoba is named as one of the World... Read more
Cordoba is an ideal start-off point to Andalusia’s other cities and towns, which are easily accessible by train. Travel to historic... Read more
Cordoba is a city to be savored and enjoyed, and so are its shops, restaurants, parks and gardens, and nightlife... Read more
Cordoba has a rich and fascinating culture. You can readily see this in their music, art, architecture and food. Cordoba’s museum... Read more
Now that we’ve shown you the places to visit, let us show you how to get there... Read more
Here's everything you need for your trip to Cordoba. In this guide you'll find everything from things like what you need to know before leaving Planning your Trip to the best places to visit in the city Out & About.