Train Travel to Cordoba, Spain


Cordoba is a rail junction of Andalusia and an important rail link between Seville and Madrid. That is why going to Cordoba by train is very convenient.

There are choices according to speed and the cost of the train fare: the AVE high-speed train, the RENFE and other lines.

The RENFE (Red Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Españoles / National Network of Spanish Railways) is of medium speed and medium pricing. The RENFE network has over 15,000 kilometers of railways. The ticket office in Cordoba is in Ronda de los Tejares 10 (Telephone number 957 47 58 84).

It has several kinds of services:
The AVE is a high speed train that links Cordoba with Madrid (2-hour trip) and Seville (45-minute ride). For schedules, call 90 224 0202.

The Grandes Lineas (Long Distance) serve Cordoba, Sevilla, Madrid as well as Huelva, Cadiz, Jerez, Algeciras, Malaga, Granada, Almeria and Linares/Baeza.

The train station in Cordoba is on the northern edge of the city along Avenida de America (Glorieta de las Tres Culturas). The station is near the bus station and two rent-a-car offices. There is also a bus (No. 3) that runs from the station to the City Center.